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Vibrant Days – June 2024

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity   Greetings friends –  It’s a splendid summer morning. I’m in the shade taking a break from watering. It has felt valuable discovering my summer rhythms (what feels necessary to thrive).  So far rising with first light, spending time beside the garden simply watching the arrivals and departures […]

Vibrant Days – May 2024

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity   How to Activate the HSP ‘Boost Effect’ By: Andre Sólo   Are highly sensitive people wired to ‘boost’ past others? Growing up as a sensitive kid, I never got the impression that my sensitivity was a strength. In fact, I was told the opposite: You gotta get […]

Vibrant Days – April 2024

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity   Spring has sprung! As many of you know I begin each morning writing out yesterday’s finest moments. These are often the expression of my sensitive to subtleties capacities. Not a day goes by that doesn’t include a gift from Spring. This morning I wrote: I love and […]

Vibrant Days – March 2024

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity   How to Embrace Your ‘Play Ethic’ as a Highly Sensitive Person By: Carolyn Cole, LCPC, LMFT,  Particularly for HSPs, a play ethic helps reduce overstimulation and increase a sense of calm. When was the last time you skipped down the street, sang in the shower, or danced […]

Vibrant Days – February 2024

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity   The reason little noises drive you mad is about more than sounds Fascinating research into ‘misophonia’ – an intolerance to specific sounds – is revealing an important role for context When Megan Davies was around 11 years old, family dinners became acutely torturous. It was the sounds […]

Vibrant Days – January 2024

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity January 2024 Hello Friends, As my feet carry me further into January I’m seeing how potent the truths in this post are (Instagram). To consider that what I pay attention to will expand motivates me to pay attention to what I’m paying attention to! Oh and let’s have […]

Vibrant Days – December 2023

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity December 2023 Greetings dear friends, I’m praising the quiet of the moment. Why do I feel victorious that I discovered silence in December? Each December my brain compiles a “best of list” of being highly sensitive. It’s a list in progress. It’s strange how I’m often aware of […]

Vibrant Days – November 2023

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity November 2023 I’ve begun to reflect on my year and realized at the top of my list is the option to appreciate. That I get to! Not only is there always something to appreciate but that doing so alters something within and can even direct my attention to […]

Vibrant Days – October 2023

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity October 2023 Hello Sensitive Friends, Thinking of you as it feels odd putting things on the November calendar. The magnificent leaves that demanded my attention are suddenly all over the ground. It felt bittersweet ending our last group outside. The river and all that surrounds it made for […]

Vibrant Days – September 2023

Vibrant Days… Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity September 2023  What I’m thinking about these days: Fall is a smorgasbord for the senses: milder temps, swirling geese, the sound of leaves under my shoes on the trail, outside and inside fires. Packing for a trip: why does it now take 3 times as long to pack for […]