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Vibrant Days….
Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity
July 2018


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Watch – Take 5: The Forest Awakens – Nature Sounds for Stress Relief


Upcoming Events

Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child and Teen
Weekend workshop with Elaine Aron, PhD, myself and Alane Freund, MS, MA, LMFT
July 20 – 22, 2018
Scotts Valley, California
(click here to register on 1440 Multiversity website)

Understanding the Highly Sensitive Child and Teen
Weekend workshop with Elaine Aron, PhD, myself and Alane Freund, MS, MA, LMFT
September 28 – 30, 2018
Western, MA
(click here to register on Kripalu website)


Existential Depression – Creative, Sensitive People In Need Of Meaning

Is the increased rate of suicide deaths based on a crisis of existential despair?

Clay Routledge, a professor of psychology comments in his New York Times Opinion essay:

Suicides Have Increased...Existential Crisis? article“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently released startling new statistics on the rise of deaths by suicide in the United States, which are up 25 percent since 1999 across most ethnic and age groups.

“These numbers clearly point to a crisis — but of what kind?

“Many argue that this is a crisis of mental health care, that people are not getting the services they need.

“The proposed solution is better therapies, more effective antidepressants and greater access to treatment.

“This assessment may be correct.

“However, the suicide rate has increased even as more people are seeking treatment for depression and anxiety, and even as treatment for those conditions has become more widely available.

“An additional explanation seems to be needed.

“As a behavioral scientist who studies basic psychological needs, including the need for meaning, I am convinced that our nation’s suicide crisis is in part a crisis of meaninglessness.

“Fully addressing it will require an understanding of how recent changes in American society — changes in the direction of greater detachment and a weaker sense of belonging — are increasing the risk of existential despair.

From Suicides Have Increased. Is This an Existential Crisis? By Clay Routledge, New York Times June 23, 2018.

Clay Routledge, a professor of psychology at North Dakota State University, is the author of the book Supernatural: Death, Meaning, and the Power of the Invisible World.

To read the remaining articles, please visit


Watching James Corden brings my heart and soul immense joy and meaning and gut laughter. I am so grateful he is on this earth.




Take 5: The Forest Awakens – Nature Sounds for Stress Relief



“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.”

– Frederick Douglass



In this together,
