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Vibrant Days…
Flourishing with Sensory Processing Sensitivity
December 2020

Hello precious people.  A little check in to remind you that I’m thinking of you and that although your street name and family of origin and hopes and fears for the holiday are different than mine our sensitive souls are united in spirit. I read a Christmas card that said “all is not calm but all is still bright.” Sure rings true to me. 

I’m sobered by how activated my body has felt and have had to work harder at locating places of refuge and inner quiet. Hot tea with fresh lemon, doing less tasks, studying the brilliant teachings of Irene Lyon and not allowing the colder weather to keep me from forest preserve trails has helped tremendously. 

As we say yes to what’s in front of us and what’s ahead I am certain we will require the company of others and also the company of trees, animals, beauty and kindness. 

Merry Christmas to your beautiful soul,


My favorite new website: beautiful and brilliant articles penned by sensitive researchers themselves. If needing dopamine hit this is the website to visit!


Thanks to Adriene my body has a mini crush on yoga and it’s because of Adriene and her dog Benji. It’s not overwhelming, my body rejoices in the moves and Adriene’s facial expressions and kind words are gentle gifts I need.


We may lose a bit of the calm but the light sure shows up in everything.


Ponder this…

It all depends on whether we are willing to see down as up.

– Richard Rohr

In this together,
